English Hops
English Hops
Bramling Cross UK Hop Pellets (2023)
BRAMLING CROSS HOPS English Hops When used in large quantities the fruity element in Bramling Cross springs to life. This use exhibits complex fruity notes of lemon, blackcurrant and pear, particularly when used as a late addition. Some brewers have...
from $13.99 USD
Bullion UK Hop Pellets (2023)
BULLION HOPS English Hops Bullion features flavors of dark fruit and elements of spice arising from its use as a mid to late addition. Its bitterness is considered by some to be slightly coarse. Sister selection to Brewer's Gold, Bullion was first...
from $12.99 USD
Challenger UK Hop Pellets (2024)
CHALLENGER HOPS English Hops Challenger features decent bitterness and a floral aroma and as such are considered fine for bittering or for dry hopping. Its flavor is smooth with balanced floral characteristics, some citrus and a dash of spice. Lot...
from $13.99 USD
East Kent Golding UK Hop Pellets (2024)
EAST KENT GOLDING HOPS English Hops East Kent Golding has an amazing aroma profile with lavender, spice, honey and notes of thyme. Flavor-wise it is earthy and mildly bittering with a sweet, silky, honey-like character. East Kent Golding is considered to...
from $13.99 USD
Endeavour UK Hop Pellets (2023)
ENDEAVOUR HOPS English Hops Endeavour is a new wonderfully citrusy Hedgerow Hop that is creating a lot of interest and excitement. It has good storage stability. Lot Number 90-23-808 Characteristics blackcurrant, loganberry, spice, grapefruit, lime Usage Aroma Alpha Acid 9.2%...
$9.99 USD
Ernest UK Hop Pellets (2022)
ERNEST HOPS English Hops Ernest hops have clear 'New World' characteristics producing a complex flavor with predominantly fruity notes, especially apricot, citrus, and spice. These hops screamed ESB with their cedar-like and earthy qualities. Flavor intensity 8/10. Ernest is named...
$109.89 USD
$21.89 USD
Ernest UK Hop Pellets (2023)
ERNEST HOPS English Hops Ernest hops have clear 'New World' characteristics producing a complex flavor with predominantly fruity notes, especially apricot, citrus, and spice. These hops screamed ESB with their cedar-like and earthy qualities. Ernest is named after its breeder,...
from $10.99 USD
First Gold UK Hop Pellets (2023)
FIRST GOLD HOPS English Hops Exceptionally versatile, First Gold can be added at any point in the boil in addition to dry hopping. It features a sweet tangerine and orange aroma with a trace of cinnamon. Its flavor is considered...
from $11.99 USD
Fuggle UK Hop Pellets (2024)
FUGGLE HOPS English Hops Fuggle hops are noted for its distinct European aroma and has enjoyed a long, versatile run. At its peak nearly 100 years ago Fuggle was known as a dual-use hop. Today however, as other higher alpha...
from $13.99 USD
Target UK Hop Pellets (2024)
TARGET HOPS English Hops Target’s popularity has gone up and down over the years but it now seems to be popular with craft brewers, being used in Green Man Ale’s IPA in Asheville, North Carolina and in many English craft...
from $14.99 USD
Whitbread Golding UK Hop Pellets (2024)
WHITBREAD GOLDING (WGV) HOPS English Hops Whitbread Golding enjoys a robust flavor and hoppiness, particularly in comparison to other Golding varieties. With its pleasant, fruity, European-style aromatics, it has traditionally been very popular in England. When used as an early...
from $14.99 USD